Little Falls Auto Service

119 Paterson Ave

Little Falls, NJ 07424

(973) 406-4094

Call or Text us Today

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Auto Repair Services for All Makes & Models

Auto Repair Services for All Makes & Models

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


119 Paterson Ave

Little Falls, NJ 07424

(973) 406-4094

Call or Text us Today


If you are a sensible vehicle owner residing in Little Falls NJ,  you know that your vehicle’s power steering is an important aspect of your vehicle’s overall health. Having regular service of your vehicle’s power steering as part of your steady auto repair regimen helps toward longevity and overall driving pleasure for your car. Plus, you can get all of that done at Little Falls Auto Service!

 When you want only the best in auto repair maintenance from the best auto mechanic for your vehicle’s power steering in Little Falls, you should bring your car down to Little Falls Auto Service. Some auto mechanics will take advantage of your lack of expertise in auto repair to pull a power move and recommend costly repairs your car may or may not need. Not here at Little Falls Auto Service, where we will always be straight with you!

 Just take a look at this review from a super satisfied customer!

 “After going to Toyota for my scheduled check up, I was advised to get a couple things done to my vehicle. So instead of using Toyota or any other Toyota dealership I went to somebody I know I can trust. In this crazy world of everybody trying to cheat everybody else out of a few dollars, I feel comfortable in knowing that Gary is a very trustworthy and very efficient Mechanic and technician. He also understands that not everybody has to fix every little thing wrong with your vehicle in order for it to function fine. He never pressures you. I give Gary five stars and would recommend him any day!”–Jerry Tolve

 Our customers trust Little Falls Auto Service for all of their auto repair servicing needs, including power steering issues! Our skilled auto mechanics are trustworthy, and you will never regret bringing your car to us, as your happiness is absolutely our TOP priority! Our knowledgeable technicians care, and we want to keep you on the road without experiencing any hassles or inconveniences. This is why you should turn to the experts at Little Falls Auto Service, so schedule an appointment today!. We are located at 119 Paterson Ave, Little Falls NJ. Your vehicle’s needs are our top priority. Call us today, you will be glad you did!

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