Little Falls Auto Service

119 Paterson Ave

Little Falls, NJ 07424

(973) 406-4094

Call or Text us Today

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Auto Repair Services for All Makes & Models

Auto Repair Services for All Makes & Models

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


119 Paterson Ave

Little Falls, NJ 07424

(973) 406-4094

Call or Text us Today


If you are a vehicle owner in Little Falls NJ, you may need auto repair for your shocks, struts, and CV axles. There is no better place to bring your vehicle for these auto repair services than Little Falls Auto Service, located conveniently in Little Falls. We can handle any auto repair issues related to your shocks, struts, or CV axles!

 If your car sometimes “bottoms out,” your struts might need attention. Bounciness or taking a longer time than usual can be another indication that your vehicle’s struts need auto repair attention by a skilled auto mechanic. A bumpy ride can be another tell-tale symptom that your car’s shocks need some TLC. It’s crucial that you stay on top of these auto repair maintenance tasks so that your vehicle has the longest life possible! The expert auto mechanics at Little Falls Auto Service can help you with all of this, and you usually won’t even have to wait that long!

 You can trust us to take good care of your shocks, struts, or CV axles since our auto mechanics take pride in all of these auto repair services. That is why we consistently receive positive reviews like this one:

 “Gary has done a fantastic job. His knowledgeably and great customer service keep me coming back. Not like those part changing shops, he explains what is wrong and what a car actually needs done.

Recently bought a car at a dealership and after waiting for two weeks for them to replace a cracked tail-lamp from their “we-owe” system. I had to take it to Gary. After making an appointment he had me in and out on the same day after alleviating all of my concerns.

A good man, and great service. Highly recommended!”–Tobias Frayer

 Our customers, who reside in Little Falls, trust Little Falls Auto Service for all of their auto repair servicing needs, including head gasket replacement! Our skilled auto mechanics are trustworthy, and you will never regret bringing your car to us, as your happiness is absolutely our TOP priority! Our knowledgeable technicians care, and we want to keep you on the road without experiencing any hassles or inconveniences. This is why you should turn to the experts at Little Falls Auto Service, so schedule an appointment today!. We are located at 119 Paterson, Little Falls NJ 07424. Your vehicle’s needs are our top priority. Call us today, you will be glad you did!

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